16 June, 2012

Accepting and Expecting

These two words can make life so easy and so difficult.. We always get hurt by expecting a lot from people.. yaa it’s easy to write.. But its truth.. The day when we start accepting the things as they are and move on with life everything will be good.

We expect things from the one whom we believe as our own. But everyone cannot fulfill all the expectation. When u expect someone to do something for u at the same time u should also think about it that how much u fulfill others expectation.

It is easy to expect but not easy to fulfill someone’s expectation. When someone cannot just fulfill the expectation just accept the thing and move on .. Take the things in positive way. You are the creator of you own life. Anything good or worst happens, mostly you are responsible for that. If not then it’s the part of destiny..  Expect less and Accept more.. If do not want to get hurt don’t expect anything from anyone. Because expecting means you are depending on some one. Why to depend on someone? The more you depend the more you expect. The more you expect there are number of chance getting disappointment. Disappointment always hurts..

It is very obvious for a human to expect. But when start getting hurt by that expectation not fulfilling simply just stop there. So relation will not be spoiled.

Accepting is very simple word but very hard to accept. Each and everything has two sides. The day we start accepting rather than expecting life will be so happy.


  1. some people believe that not having any kind of expectation is the best way to live a life. but what is a life without having expectations...may be just we need to know how much from whom we can expect and then perhaps, life becomes easier to live...keep writing kinjal...this one comes after a long wait...well written, i must add.

  2. You are welcome, Mam...
