29 June, 2012

Destiny and Life

Luck and destiny these are the words in what I have never believed. Luck I still don’t believe in that word. But destiny It is all what I believe in.. I have gone through worst period in life.. and the same way I have also seen the best time in the life. When there was a time I was not enough Mature to understands the things. At that time whenever anything happened bad I just use to think that life is over now. Nothing good can happen in life.. Everything just finished. It’s all the pain what I am going to have with me my entire life. Nothing was good in life. I have lost all the hopes. Did such foolish things in life for people for whom I care.. But this world doesn’t let you live the life you want.  It’s really the world full of selfish people. Who use other people to achieve their motives.  Use people for their own good and need.Finally I am like.. Strong enough.. I cannot do anything wrong with people and at the same time time I do not allow people to do anything wrong with me. So let me come to my point.

Destiny.. once there was a time I thought that everything just got finished. And now is the time when I think if those things would have never happened in life I would have not get these happiness in my life. Was a bright student in school life, But when the question comes, when my career was depended on result. I have got very bad result. Had waited one year.. and after that I just switched to the line form science to computers.  Got very bad experiences in life but things makes me strong , practical. All the things makes me mature. Enough capable to understand things and to handle them.

And when the thing comes to the important question of life. Life partner. I have got the best loving person in life who takes care in all the manner. Love me. Give all the happiness in life. Yes my family was always there to support.. But still I have best person in life. When I look back in life. What was it. Why I had gone through all the things.. Just to meet this person? And I really have no answer for this. But I still believe It’s a destiny.  

Everything happens for a reason. If I wouldn’t have gone the worst result and waited for one year. And if I would have taken admission in any engineering may be I would have never met this person in life. People use to say “Jodiyaan to uparvala banata he” .. I still wonder if its true. Magic world and its magic tricks..

So I think God has decided everyone’s destiny. We always have to go through what is in our destiny. Today I am happy that I have all that pain. So I have the perfect life now. May be not perfect in all the manner. But it’s still have its own motive. Now bad things doesn’t make me depress or upset. Because har andheri rat k bad  nayi kiran ak ummid le ke aati he..Yup still have question that career not settled.. Still not able to fulfill the responsibility. But how ever I try will not get more or less than my destiny have for me. So hope for the best.. Enjoy every moment of life. Do not get upset when times not good. Everything has its own reason. And someday sometime you will realize that if that thing wouldn't have happened with you .. You could have never get this thing in life.

Even All people who comes to our life they all have their roles defined. No matter the person is good or bad. Bad things always gives us the experience to handle the things . And good things also. Everything gives us experience. People come and go from the life. When I think about my life’s people .. It’s like if bad people had never came to my life I would have never experienced things this way. And id  I wouldn't have then it’s like I couldn't welcome good things or never understand its real value.

People use to say na that if u haven’t gone through worst you will never understand the true value of good things.  If you have not felt the pain you will not understand the meaning of happiness. we  respect things because we know the meaning of it's absence. We respect good things because we know the difference between good and bad. 

We always use to think that we do not have things like this and this. And get upset for that. But my dad always use to say if you want to know what you have do  not compare yourself with the one who has all the things and comfort of this world but compare yourself with the one who has nothing in life but still live life fully. And you will thank God for what you have. So never regret for anything. And when you want to achieve something in life at that time compare yourself with the one who have it. So you can work hard can achieve that thing in life. Its all what we need to do in life.. No regrets for the things we do not have. Still live life fully and achieve the good things in life..  Good or bad all what is defined in our destiny. So always keep smiling :) 

21 June, 2012

A Woman with Responsibility and people's Expectation

From Childhood I always have one question.. Does my mother have any super natural power? How a single person can do these much things at a time this much easily..  Job, Children, Husband, In-laws, daughter, sister.. I have never thought about my mom before asking anything. And I don’t remember a single time when my mother said no to me for anything. No matter what I have asked to her and at what time. If any of  the family member had ever asked for anything at any time my mother has always done that thing.

Today at this level after these many years I can imagine and understand a girl’s responsibility for everything. A girl becomes mature and people around her start expecting a lot from her. To fulfill those responsibility and expectation is not at all easy.  Dad always expects that my girl take care of everything. Settle at Good place. Good job. Good Husband. Good In-laws. And she fulfills their expectation. Mom always knows that how much my daughter can handles things. As she had also faced that stage in her life so she always treats like that so that it doesn’t becomes tough when time comes to take responsibility. But with the time people around us change. New people come and expectation and responsibility change according to time.

A girl always try to fit in the roles as Dad’s Angle, A daughter for mother who always understand the things, A sister who always use to do his brother’s all work and support him in all the things, A sister who always listen up her sister’s every stupid things as best friend, for grandpa and grandma a grand daughter who take care of them as their mother(because in old age people becomes like child), a boy who loves her for him a complete girl, For husband a wife who is Good cook, who has Good dressing sense, Good humor,  a mature wife who takes care of everything and everyone’s. For children’s world’s best mother, for in-laws a daughter who take care of them at first place, for friends who help them at any time and give the best advice ever. Listen up their nonsense and handle them with all their nautanki. And don’t know how many relations, responsibility and expectation which I am not able to describe at all.

Yaa but all these things are for a girl who likes to take care of everything. Otherwise there are number of a person who doesn’t give a damn. I just wish that I can fit in all these roles. I can become as my mother. I fulfill everyone’s expectation.  I just wish that I can become like my mother.

 Today I want to Hats off to my mother and all the girls who always try to fits in these roles no matter at what cost and what sacrifices.  It’s nearly impossible to understand a girl, her circumstances, situation.. To handle each and everything and to manage accordingly is really very hard. But it’s really true that when a girl becomes mature she stops living her life for her own. She starts living for others. And somewhere lost her owns self and wishes in these things. And I don't even know that how much respect they get for all these. and how many people appreciate it. 

16 June, 2012

Accepting and Expecting

These two words can make life so easy and so difficult.. We always get hurt by expecting a lot from people.. yaa it’s easy to write.. But its truth.. The day when we start accepting the things as they are and move on with life everything will be good.

We expect things from the one whom we believe as our own. But everyone cannot fulfill all the expectation. When u expect someone to do something for u at the same time u should also think about it that how much u fulfill others expectation.

It is easy to expect but not easy to fulfill someone’s expectation. When someone cannot just fulfill the expectation just accept the thing and move on .. Take the things in positive way. You are the creator of you own life. Anything good or worst happens, mostly you are responsible for that. If not then it’s the part of destiny..  Expect less and Accept more.. If do not want to get hurt don’t expect anything from anyone. Because expecting means you are depending on some one. Why to depend on someone? The more you depend the more you expect. The more you expect there are number of chance getting disappointment. Disappointment always hurts..

It is very obvious for a human to expect. But when start getting hurt by that expectation not fulfilling simply just stop there. So relation will not be spoiled.

Accepting is very simple word but very hard to accept. Each and everything has two sides. The day we start accepting rather than expecting life will be so happy.